Five Principles of Compliance
The Organisation's code of conduct sets out the standards of behaviour it expects from all employees. It includes rules regarding the conduct of all employees and examples of what the organisation considers to be gross misconduct, which could result in summary termination of employment.
Kagool Employees (All who work for Kagool Ltd, from top management to each and every employee, including contract employees, temporary employees, and others) should fully understand their responsibilities as good corporate citizens and duly respect and comply with all the rules.
The following general standards are required by all Organisation employees:
An important core value of the Organisation is the promotion of inclusivity and diversity. It seeks to ensure that the workplace is supportive of its staff and one where individual respect is shown to all members of staff, regardless of age, (dis)ability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race, ethnic background, culture, sexual orientation, religion or belief, sex or any other factor. All staff will be supported and encouraged to perform to their potential.
For further information, employees should refer to the Equal Opportunities policy.
The following offences are examples of gross misconduct:
As a general rule, what employees do after working hours and away from the premises is a personal matter. However, the Organisation will become involved in the following circumstances.
Where the employee is away on business on behalf of the organisation, the organisation's policies will continue to apply at all these events. An employee should not bring the Organisation's name into disrepute. Improper behaviour will lead to investigation and possible disciplinary action, including dismissal and, in cases of gross misconduct, summary dismissal. For further information, employers should refer to the Organisation's Grievance and Disciplinary procedures.
The Organisation does not concern itself with the private lives of its staff unless they affect its effective operation or reputation.
Members of staff who are relatives or who have a close personal relationship should not normally have a supervisory, assessing or authorising relationship with each other.
Employees must inform their line manager if they have a close personal relationship with another employee, a client, or a customer, which colleagues or others may consider to impact their work conduct.
Furthermore, if an employee commits a criminal offence outside employment, the organisation will investigate the matter to ascertain whether there is any connection between the offence and the individual's employment. If there is an adverse finding in this respect, this could result in the employee's dismissal under the disciplinary procedure.
During working hours, employees should use phones only when necessary for work use or personal calls and texts. Discretion should be exercised when using a personal mobile device, and any use must not cause a distraction from work for the employee themselves or their colleagues. Using social media such as Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and Twitter during working hours is unacceptable.
Only certain job roles require the provision of an organisation mobile phone. Where provided, they are for business use only.
Although our email facilities are provided for the purposes of our business, we accept that you may occasionally want to use them for your own personal purposes.
Employees' work email addresses should not be used to send personal emails. Employees may access their personal email accounts during break times.
The organisation recognises the importance of work-life balance. Whilst we do not intend to restrict outside activities, it is important to remember that activities, whether during or outside of working hours, that result in adverse publicity to the Organisation or which cause us to lose faith in your integrity may give us grounds for your dismissal.
When attending any work-related social function an appropriate standard of conduct is expected from all employees. This includes but is not limited to any Christmas lunch, nights out, dinners or other social events with suppliers, customers, etc.
Work-related social functions can be a great opportunity to celebrate and get to know your colleagues better. However, it is important to remember that our policies on anti-harassment and bullying, personal harassment, and disciplinary and equal opportunities apply entirely to these events.
Whilst you are encouraged to be friendly towards our clients/customers, it is important that employees do not cross professional boundaries.
Employees should maintain professionalism at all times and under no circumstances should become overfamiliar or fraternise with clients/customers in a way that may be seen to disrupt the operations or reputation of the business.
Employees who are found to have acted unprofessionally or inappropriately may be liable for disciplinary action in line with Organisation procedures.
Drug and alcohol use during working hours is not permitted. If an employee is suspected of using during working hours, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action under the Organisation's disciplinary policy.
Employees must not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol during working hours and must not support or influence others to use alcohol or drugs. Employees suspected of using or dealing drugs in the workplace will be reported to the police.
Bribery is, in the conduct of the organisation's business, the offering or accepting of any gift, loan, payment, reward or advantage for personal gain as an encouragement to do something which is dishonest, illegal or a breach of trust. Bribery is a criminal offence. No gift should be given nor hospitality offered by employees to any party in connection with the organisation's business without receiving prior written approval from the employee's line manager.
Employees will face disciplinary action if it is discovered that they have accepted, offered or given any bribe, which could include dismissal for gross misconduct. Accepting a bribe also carries separate criminal liabilities for the employee personally and for the organisation.
The organisation's anti-bribery policy contains more information on this area.
The organisation may request, from time to time, that employees work extra hours at short notice, subject to the needs of the business.
Employees may also be requested to perform work that is in addition to their usual duties and/or to carry out their role at a workplace other than their usual location of work.
These requests will be made to employees as the need arises through the employee's line manager.
Employees who undertake external activities that place them, or could place them, in competition with the organisation may be subject to disciplinary action.
If an employee wishes to undertake other employment while employed by the organisation, permission is required from the employee's practice lead and your HR Team.
As employees are liable to come into contact with customers and members of the public, it is important that you present a professional image with regard to appearance and standards of dress.
Employees are expected to wear either business formal, business professional, or business casual dress codes when present in the office. The employee should be dressed professionally when meeting clients and customers.
Identification cards: ID cards show your name, the name of the organisation and a recent photograph.
ID cards must be worn at all times in the workplace. When visiting clients/customers/external sites/service users you must ensure your ID card is worn and is visible at all times.
Employees who cause any damage to organisation property through misuse, recklessness or carelessness may be required to repay to the organisation the cost of repair or replacement. The organisation reserves the right to recover this cost by way of a deduction from your next salary payment.
When an employee's employment is terminated, employees should return all organisation property, including IT equipment, stationery, organisation mobile phone or tablet, organisation car and any other items belonging to the organisation.
The organisation may require searches to be conducted of employees by authorised persons. The organisation may reasonably request to search employee's person, clothing, bags, lockers or vehicles.
The organisation's authorised person will conduct the search, and an independent witness will also be in attendance. If an employee refuses to permit such a search, the appropriate authorities may be contacted to carry out the search for the organisation.
Failure to permit a search may lead to disciplinary action. A refusal may be considered gross misconduct, which can result in summary termination of employment.
The organisation is not responsible for the loss, theft or damage to any personal property brought by employees onto organisation premises or stored in organisation vehicles. Employees are responsible for the security and safety of their personal possessions at all times. Employees should keep these items safe in their lockable desk drawers/lockers.
Lost property should be handed to an employee's line manager if found.
Employees authorised to handle monetary transactions on behalf of the Organisation are responsible for the transactions they carry out.
Employees who purchase products for a service user must ensure that receipts are kept and items are logged in the service user's records.
Employees are prohibited from taking money from, or giving money to, service users regardless of what form this transaction takes. Employees are also not allowed to use a service user's store loyalty card for their own personal gain and may not use their own store loyalty card when making a purchase of goods for service users.
Breaches of the Organisation's code of conduct are likely to be regarded as an act of misconduct to be addressed under the Organisation's disciplinary procedure. Some of the above sections indicate the level of offence that could occur if breaches are found.