Most companies view the ERP system as substantial investment, but when it’s time to take up critical tasks such as data migration, they cut corners.
Understanding different magnitudes and facets of data migration is not simple - you often need an in-depth view of industry, system, and procedures. This is not helped by the variety and volume of data, which is growing at a tremendous rate, making it difficult for organisations to break the complex data silos and drive insights.
A plethora of challenges might arise while migrating data due to anything from a poor knowledge of source data to lack of integrated processes and collaboration. Our poll conducted on LinkedIn suggests the complexity of data estate and the difficulty of defining a data strategy are the two biggest problems faced when implementing a data migration project.
Luckily, Kagool has ample experience in overcoming these challenges. Data management with Kagool gives you data workstreams helping you enhance your IT enabled transformations. Kagool assists your data management activities by employing efficient tools, methodologies and a mixture of business and data specialists to enable an effective, low risk data migration process.
So everyone is telling you data is important to your transformation project, but nobody is telling you what good data looks like.
We think a good data stream on a IT enabled transformation project has the following characteristics:
Kagool meet these criteria and deliver great data workstreams to enhance IT enabled transformations.
And the good news doesn’t stop there. When you’re safely live, we can help you to protect your benefits with long term solutions for ongoing data quality management, master data management and data governance, all delivered with the same expertise, pragmatism and tools.