Inspire effective decisions with a data-driven culture

An isometric illustration of a tablet surrounded by financial icons.
A blue icon of a person running on a white background.


Do you struggle with how much time it takes to produce analytics reports?

A blue line drawing of a hand pressing a button on a white background.


Do you wish your reports were more intuitive to use and understand?

A hand is pointing at a light bulb surrounded by circles.


Do you want your reports to be more interactive and dynamic?

we are PowerBI

Many consultancies can create dashboards containing graphs, pie charts, clickthrough’s and drill-downs, but these dashboards quickly become redundant if they can’t provide strategic value behind the visual layer.

Our solutions are strategy-driven, and are a result of rigorous collaborative relationships with clients to understand their business processes, challenges and aspirations, in order to create end dashboards that provide answers to the questions that many businesses didn’t know they needed to ask.

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With Azure, we now have the capability to rapidly drive value from our data. The actionable insights from the data models we’re creating will help us increase revenue, reduce costs, and minimise risk.

The smiths logo is blue and white on a white background.

Mr. Ahmed Adnani

Director of Applications and Analytics, Smiths

Make your analytics easily accessible with Power BI

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